Imagine if we all start treating others the way we would want to be treated, think about others the way we would want to be thought of, feel about others the way we would want others to feel about us, speak to others the way we would want to be spoken to or spoken of.

Let us help our kids to understand this so very impactful virtue by reading some short stories and start creating the ripples of kindness that radiate from person to person with no end in sight.



moral stories for kids on kindness

Humility – The most powerful trait to empower our kids with

Humility - The most powerful trait to empower our kids with

Recent studies have revealed that humility is one of the most powerful trait to empower our kids with while we prepare them for a successful journey ahead. Many famous and great personalities have proclaimed the power and importance of this virtue. Business schools have started calling it as a key ingredient for an excellent leadership. So, let us help our kids to understand this super powerful virtue by reading them some short stories and can try to bring up happy, well adjusted, confident and resilient children ready to face the realities of the world. Moreover, better human beings, better family dynamics and better society.

quote on humility

moral stories for kids on humility