Over the years scientists have discovered that our human brain is an excellent story processor and it can recall concepts, values and emotions faster when communicated through stories.

So why think twice? Let us inculcate some good values in our future generation and motivate them to become good human beings; thereby making our world a better place to live in.

Stories also play a major role in :

  • Helping children improve their vocabulary
  • Igniting children's creativity and imagination
  • Good bedtime stories also help in a more relaxed sleep

Our stories are our virtues. The virtues, our children will carry. Moreover, stories are universal that can bridge the gap between different cultures, traditions and ages.

Here, you will find a wide range of free short stories with powerful inspirational and moral values to help kids have an enjoyable learning experience. And therefore, we invite each one of you who value their kids, to take a special time storytelling; which in turn will help to build & bond your relationships.

short stories